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26. 06. 2001

Sorry že je to v angličtině. Můj mozek to kdysi vyplivl rovnou v překladu. Proto kdyžtak omluvte případné chyby.

Once upon a time there was a space. In that space there was a galaxy. In that galaxy there was a star. Near that star there was a planet. On that planet there was a continent. On that continent there was a hill. On that hill there was a castle. In that castle there lived a man. That man had a system of vains inside. In those vains there circuled blood. In that blood there was a blood cell. In that blood cell there was a molecule. In that molecule there was an atom. In that atom there were a proton, a neutron, and an electron. And they dreamed great dreams about being as large as a space.
27. 06. 2001
Dát tip
wow once upon a time there was a CAPS LOCK...

27. 06. 2001
Dát tip
Danny: :-B)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))>>>>>>>>>

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