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Usual hesitation before making a decision

26. 02. 2010

před každým rozhodnutím je takové intermezzo, kdy člověk smlouvá se všemi svými já a kdoví čím

I still have time

at least until I reply
to the calling of my heart
till then

I still have time

I will have to run
far and fast

but I still can save the time

before I decide
and seal the deal
with reality

but wait! oh, damn!
I've decided already
but subconscious holds that knowing
therefore (I'm rising ...my eyebrows and a fresh spark stirs through my eye)

I still have time!

at least till my decision
resurfaces on my consciousness
and then I will really have to start
to run
for life
that I dream about
hide behind my eyes
and show it only to the midnight stars

but honestly...

Do I still have the time?

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