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The Heart of Mountain

09. 10. 2014

The song of Dwarfs under the Mountain

Down the Way

a Way to Down

down the Way

a Way to Down

take a Pick with mighty sound.


The Mountain whispers heads above

down my Brother

Brother down

down my Brother

Brother down

find your Way the Rock is rough.


Down the Way

a Way to Down

down the Way

a Way to Down

dig the Tunnel not a Frown.


The Smell of Gold is on the Reach

down just digging

digging down

down just digging

digging down

where no Others you can breach


Down the Way

a Way to Down

down the Way

a Way to Down

to the Table sit around.


Let the Mug is filled with Gold

down the Flow

is flowing down

down the Flow

is flowing down

until everyone is stoned.


Down the Way

a Way to Down

down the Way

a Way to Down

Callus on your Palm is a Crown.


Be like Mountain, never weep

down the Mountain

a Mountain down

down the Mountain

a Mountain down

Bless the Heart of Mountain sleep.


Down the Way

a Way to Down

down the Way

a Way to Down

every Brother hold the Ground.


The Rock is forming Dwarven Mold

down to dreaming

dreaming down

down to dreaming

dreaming down

Heart of Mountain and the Gold.


Down the Way

a Way to Down

down the Way

a Way to Down

Heart of Mountain and the Gold.


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