Československá literární komunita
Tak jako generace autorů před vámi, publikujte svoji psanou tvorbu. Podělte se o svoje názory a sbírejte zpětnou vazbu na svoje díla. Inspirujte se a učte od nejlepších.
Přidejte seAcid Song ( english )
Breathe in
breathe out
what do you see ?
Breathe in
breathe out
could this be ?
We're generation next
you created us, here we go
trying to do the best
trying to go against the flow
we're generation- we're tragical
unpractical, cynical
self- destructive, yes, we are
naive and young... so far
Breathe in
breathe out
what do you see ?
Breathe in
breathe out
could this be ?
You built the world
now we'll tear it down
we'll conquer it
town by town
you built the walls
let's tear them down !
dance on their ruins
ain't this the right town ?
Breathe in
breathe out
what do you see ?
Breathe in
breathe out
could this be ?
You made up borders
they ain't hard to ignore
you were wrong
so never more !!!
Please, don't ask us
what we seek
you stares us down
but we're not that weak
Breathe in
breathe out
what do you see ?
Breathe in
breathe out
could this be ?
We tried it... just once ?
it's nice to feel
the world is spinning
the world seems real
There must be more
outta there
this strange vibrations
is for what we care...
Breathe in
breathe out
set yourself free
Breathe in
breathe out
it's meant to be...