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She Death

07. 01. 2006

She was so close, I was
Hidden inside of me with fear
Reflecting my other mind´s side
Trying to cover with leaves of
The tree of invisibilty, only if
The voicless soul could shout

She is so fast so strong, she
Gives us only little hope
To make us believe that happiness
Would save our blind steps
Over The transparent world
That´s flaking to be good

Only when we start to listen
We´ll know the good news are gone
After a while she´ll take us
Under her finger we will prone

This night or maybe another she´ll
Bring true answer to all unquestionable tasks
Breeding in human brains, feeding
Many of toughts of myth and philosophers
Which couldn´t be spoken till
Their breath came for the last time out

Only when we manage to see
Not always fresh and evergreen tree
Not far from the neverending end
She´ll give up and set us free

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