Československá literární komunita
Tak jako generace autorů před vámi, publikujte svoji psanou tvorbu. Podělte se o svoje názory a sbírejte zpětnou vazbu na svoje díla. Inspirujte se a učte od nejlepších.
Přidejte se#4
29. 07. 2007
I never I never
I never told you what i feel
You never You never
You never told me that its real
Cause I love you and you love me cause I
Love you
I never I never
I never pushed your hands in my
You never you never
You never told me: Oh, that its fine
So tell me what you feel
and i tell you that its real
so push your hands in my
and i tell you: Oh, thats fine
I never I never
I never told you what i feel
You never You never
You never told me that its real
Cause I love you and you love me cause I
Love you
I never I never
I never pushed your hands in my
You never you never
You never told me: Oh, that its fine
So tell me what you feel
and i tell you that its real
so push your hands in my
and i tell you: Oh, thats fine
7 názorů
11. 09. 2011
tak ja sa budem pri pocuvani tvarit ze som len nahodne okoloplavajuca labut.:)
heh...jeden nikdy nevie...
ale mal by som to zaspievat tej pre ktoru som to pisal
no hej anglina neni moja vec (aj ked percentil 96)
ale fuck na to...
neuveris ale akurat som cital tvoje diela... cakaj kritiku:)
k dielu: pre mna je to tiez na nic text ale melodia sa mi moc lubi,,,zda sa mi emotivna
..hands in MINE
ale inac taky fajn
textik univerzal
co by nikto nevzal
az kym by necitil raz
podobny,minusdesat mraz
na teplomeri duse-
srdca co bije vkuse -
ale nejak
trochu inak
nez by chcelo