Československá literární komunita
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Přidejte se1834 seks ašposvatbe
1834 seks ašposvatbe
1.8.2020 7:22:27
fčérasombolsvetkom čjastočnéhonedorozumenija fkrčme utrochkarafyjátoch, kdesompyfkoval tesneustolýka, kdehrdlykalyhrdlyčky. chalansa fjednuchvýluvopýtal:
"bude, aleašposvatbe!!!
fajn, ašsatedavydáš, takbrnkni."
položyltisícovkunastvól avodyšjel.
1834 sex after the wedding
yesterday I witnessed a partial misunderstanding in a pub in three carnations, where I drank beer right by the table where the doves were throating. at one point the boy asked:
"and there will be sex?"
and the girl said:
"It will be, but only after the wedding !!!
All right, when you get married, ring. "
he placed a thousand on the table and left.