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1897 klamalsom

07. 10. 2020

1897 klamalsom

3.10. 2020 7:33:37

bolsomfčérafkafjarni ejentes auvedľajšjehostolýka sedelydvebaby. táčospucla kalžýrskejkáve dvaveterníky ajednutortupunčovú, taksapryvotchodu naprvýpokus nemohlazodvyhnúť zožydle apovedala:


"ty, tomojepozadije - jestále ťašššššyje."


aledruhýpokus bolúspešný ataksasúsmevom zrofnanamňa vopýtala:




madam, domnijévamsa, žestetozvládly snoblesou.


takvam pekneďakujem, dovydenija.






samozrejmesomklamal akoprezydentskajakanceláryja afjem, žekeťbudetaktopokračovať, taksanabudúcenesdvyhne alebotážydlá pójdesňou.


1897 I lied

I was in the a&s cafe yesterday and there were two babies sitting at the side table. the one who made two pinwheels and one punch cake for Algerian coffee, so she couldn't get up from her chair when she left for the first try and said:


"You, that's my background - it's getting harder."


but the second attempt was successful, so she just asked me with a smile:


"What do you think, sir?"


Madam, I think you did it with nobility.


so thank you very much, see you.


laugh nicely. "




of course, I lied like the presidency, and I know that if she continues like this, she won't get up next time or the chair will go with her.

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