Československá literární komunita
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Přidejte se1947 vóbec symafšymlanie
1947 vóbec symafšymlanie
22.11. 2020 6:34:36
zasaešteftedykedy, taksomnazahrátkedákejkafjarni fajčylvarýnasvajcovým avoprotima sedelapeknároba atiešdačofajčyla. ochvýludošlydákeženy ahneťnaňuspustily:
"heletynasnesdravýš alebočo?
mytuná ydeme acelúdobu sanatebapozeráme!!!"
"dámy, jasanaňu tiešcelúdobupozerám, atiešsyma vóbecfšymlanie!"
1947 she didn't notice me at all
again, when I was smoking coffee with milk and egg cognac in the garden of a café, and a nice robe was sitting in front of her, and she was also smoking. after a while the women ran out and immediately ran at her:
"Hey, you won't greet us or what?
I didn't see you?
we are going and we are looking at you all the time!!!"
so I told them:
"Ladies, I've been looking at her the whole time, too, and you haven't noticed me at all!"