Československá literární komunita

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17. 05. 2002

Nevim zda se to hodi prezentovat zde cosi jako pokus o cizojazycnou poezii. Nicmene tak cinim. Vezte ze toto jeden z \\\"homeworku\\\", ktery jsem v posledni dobe napsal pri svem studijnepracovnim pobytu v Anglii :-) \\\"My vocabulary\\\" neni prilis velky, takze pripadne anglictinare prosim za prominuti. Krasne jaro v cechach preju ...


What are they saying about us
burning and shining towards the past
are we an alpha and omega
or only a candle blowing out

Are we a salvation for this world
or only just cancer on its face
overreach oneselves in our dreams
forgetting future, selling fate

To be like fascinating sparkling stars
burning and shining above us
I\\\'ll burn with desire for your eyes
cup of bitternes fill with the chance


Do me a favour, close your eyes
keep back flow of your thoughts
imagine outer space without him
visualise our world without the Lord\\\'s will


Than you could come to realization
you will see clearly your destination
you will know brightly what to do
do your best and without doubt

24. 05. 2002
Dát tip
bohužel angličtinou nevládnu

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