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Přidejte seMan on the Moon
14. 10. 2003
Frank: Whatta fuck is wrong with you man? I mean, whatta FUCK is wrong??
Thomas: Dude did you see the Moon?
Frank: Jesus H. Christ what do you mean? Snap out of it for Christ’s sake.
Thomas: I did see the Moon.
Frank: I was asking you to drop this spooky shit! I want answers!! Take your pills or whatever, but give me answers!
Thomas: I did see it, the surface, the dust.
Frank: Tommy I swear the God that I will kill you if you don’t drop it.
Thomas: You hear your heart beat, you hear the Sun and you hear the Earth.
Frank: You on drugs Tommy, did you miss what I said? I WILL KILL YOU!!
Thomas: The sky is not the limit, you can go beyond, you can touch the stars.
Frank: Can you hear me Tommy? Hallo anybody home? Pull that head out of your ass and start giving me answers Tom!
Thomas: I do not feel the urge to leave anymore. It has been understood.
Frank: No it has NOT. It seems like you are not getting the information I am trying to give you. Now I will ask a question slowly. A R E Y O U G E T T I N G I T ? I A M G O I N G T O S N A P P R E T T Y S O O N.
Thomas: The Moon revealed its wisdom. It has been understood.
(Frank impetiantly walking around holding his head, ready to go berserk, red in face, mumbling).
Frank (yelling): Who did this to you Tommy? Who fuckin’ did this to you? I’ll kill the bastards, hell I’ll blow up the whole damn city if I have to! Answer me Tommy! Tommy who did this to you? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh…..
What kind of a bitch ass motherfucker did this shit to you man?!?
(Frank breaks down and starts crying)
(Thomas turns to Frank and smiles)
Thomas: I got you Frank didn’t I. C’mon you need to loosen up buddy. Let’s go have a drink pal.
Thomas: Dude did you see the Moon?
Frank: Jesus H. Christ what do you mean? Snap out of it for Christ’s sake.
Thomas: I did see the Moon.
Frank: I was asking you to drop this spooky shit! I want answers!! Take your pills or whatever, but give me answers!
Thomas: I did see it, the surface, the dust.
Frank: Tommy I swear the God that I will kill you if you don’t drop it.
Thomas: You hear your heart beat, you hear the Sun and you hear the Earth.
Frank: You on drugs Tommy, did you miss what I said? I WILL KILL YOU!!
Thomas: The sky is not the limit, you can go beyond, you can touch the stars.
Frank: Can you hear me Tommy? Hallo anybody home? Pull that head out of your ass and start giving me answers Tom!
Thomas: I do not feel the urge to leave anymore. It has been understood.
Frank: No it has NOT. It seems like you are not getting the information I am trying to give you. Now I will ask a question slowly. A R E Y O U G E T T I N G I T ? I A M G O I N G T O S N A P P R E T T Y S O O N.
Thomas: The Moon revealed its wisdom. It has been understood.
(Frank impetiantly walking around holding his head, ready to go berserk, red in face, mumbling).
Frank (yelling): Who did this to you Tommy? Who fuckin’ did this to you? I’ll kill the bastards, hell I’ll blow up the whole damn city if I have to! Answer me Tommy! Tommy who did this to you? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh…..
What kind of a bitch ass motherfucker did this shit to you man?!?
(Frank breaks down and starts crying)
(Thomas turns to Frank and smiles)
Thomas: I got you Frank didn’t I. C’mon you need to loosen up buddy. Let’s go have a drink pal.