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Traffic in the sky

15. 04. 2007

There's traffic in the sky and it doesn't seem to be getting much better There's kids playing games on the pavement Drawing waves on the pavement mm hm Shadows of the planes on the pavement mm hm It's enough to make me cry But that don't seem like it could make it feel better Maybe it's a dream and if I scream it will burst at the seams and this whole place will fall into pieces and then they'd say... Well how could we have known? I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell na na na if you keep adding stones soon the water will be lost in the well mm hm Puzzle pieces in the ground but no one ever seems to be digging Instead they're looking up towards the heavens with their eyes on the heavens mm hm the shadows on the way to the heavens mm hm It's enough to make me cry but that don't seem like it would make it feel better The answers could be found we could learn from digging down but no one ever seems to be digging instead they'll say... Well how could we have known? I'll tell them it's not so hard to tell na na na if you keep adding stones soon the water will be lost in the well mm hmmm Words of wisdom all around but no one ever seems to listen They talk about their plans on the paper Building up from the pavement mm hm there're shadows from the scrapers on the pavement mm hm It's enough to make me sigh but that don't seem like it would make it feel better The words are all around but the words are only sounds and no one ever seems to listen Instead they'll say... Well how could we have known? I'll tell them it's really not so hard to tell na na na If you keep adding stones soon the water will be lost in the well lost in the well mm mm mm

ulice jsou úplně prázdný
a stíny nemá co vrhat

všechno by mohlo bejt lepší
ale neni

možná by stačilo zašeptat
možná by stačilo zakřičet

stíny už nemá co vrhat
i prázdný ulice zmizely

nic nemůže bejt lepší protože

8 názorů

guy: thx ;)

23. 04. 2007
Dát tip
líbí se mi .. dost vystihuje to co má *

majáku, thx :)

16. 04. 2007
Dát tip
fajnová* mimochodem- pěknej nick, rybo :-)


Nikdy nemůže bejt tak blbě aby nemohlo bejt hůř. T

Honzyk: může ..všechno ..:( jinak děkuji za tipík :)

16. 04. 2007
Dát tip
....a ja z toho cejtim, ze muze, paradoxne...melo tzak byt...? zajima mne jen...)*

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