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1773 kvólyvážene somdošyjelkúhone

01. 06. 2020

1773 kvólyvážene somdošyjelkúhone

28.5.2020 5:59:48

nechcelsom, alesamosaspýsalo, žesomzasa kvólyvážene došyjelkúhone. astalosatotakle:


bolsomna večeryprymerenýchdepresýfprahe čítaťklasy. usporjadateľka tochtopodujatija -  zorka mázakašdýmprypravené nastolýkachkartičky sčýslýčkymytombolyčky. nešsomsausadil, taksomletmopozeral natáčyslyčká anajškvór somsychcalsadnúť k64-e, pretožesomsa fnejnarodil, alenevydelbychdobre najednukočičku, čosamaposdávala ataksomsapresunul atušim, ženakonijéc ajusadnul k 85-e. zorkavyhlásyla, nechsydnes sednemenaozajdobre, pretožehlafnácena jeskvelýpekný ajhodnotný čiernoslušivýbaťoch. čotibudemdialejspysovať, jatorofnopofjem:


baťochvyhrál dajakýchmulo, čosysadnul kmójmurokunarodenija, takžepočuješdobre - zasasom kvólyvážene došyjelkúhone.


1773 I came to a hurry because of a woman.

I didn't want to, but it was written that I was hurt again because of the woman. and it went like this:


I was on the evenings of reasonable depression in Prague reading short stories. the organizer of the event - the visor always has cards with raffle numbers ready on the tables. before I settled down, I glanced at the numbers and at first I wanted to sit down at 64, because I was born in it, but I wouldn't see well for one cat that was like me, so I moved and I guess, that he also sat on the horse for the 85th. zorka announced that let us sit down really well today, because the main prize is a great nice and valuable black-fitting shoe. what I write next to you, I will say straight away:



some mula won the bats, which sat down to my year of birth, so you can hear well - again, I ran out of quota.

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