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Losses and returns

12. 09. 2000

Díky momentální totální absenci insipirace :-( z důvodu emocionálního zahlcení :-) sahám opět do archívu a nabízím překlad dílka Ztráty a návraty do angličtiny.

Some time ago Before a while The clock had striked Second time had striked Had striked thrid time yet Chilly embrace Will fly away with amazement It doesn't ask It doesn't spy It doesn't wait for affection From a man Youthfulness Which sticked on an eye-lash Deflection from life And unreturned words Catch the flash! Your dreaming fantasy Is coming back As your restored longing From minute to minute another Voluntary Long Everything else is getting lost Your hand waves Nobody's turning back Only leafs in a diary When wind blows From deep deep silence
30. 10. 2000
Dát tip
I guess this one just went by my head without stopping for a coffee:-(( but anyway... the last lines have a deep meaning... thanx!:-)

16. 09. 2000
Dát tip
hmmmmm, nic moc

13. 09. 2000
Dát tip
Zase Ti odbilo, koukám. Jenže mě taky. Zde je můj překlad do miroslawkowštiny (ejaculate based english). Nebijte mně. Lee and her returns Some time ago Before a while The cock had striked Second time had striked Had striked thrid time yet Kittish embrace Will free away your amassement She doesn't ask She doesn't hide She doesn't wait for exhaustion From a man Youthfulness Which sticked on an eye-lash Reflection of wife And unreturned words Catch the flesh! Your dreaming fantasy Is coming back As your restored longing From minute to minute another Voluntary Long Everything else is getting lost Your hand smacks Her body's pulling back Delight leaks in a fiery When mind blows In rash deep silence

13. 09. 2000
Dát tip
Míwo: Kdybych Tě neznal, tak bych Tě musel asi přizabít ;-)))

13. 09. 2000
Dát tip
Bittesehr, möchten sie das tschechisch schreiben? Danke.

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