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lucid dream

07. 10. 2004

Do you smell it when she is close,

an air is filled with mystery.

Does the fragrance belongs to fresh cut rose,

wondering, might the one she's looking for be me.


Do you hear her sweet quite voice,

when she is so quite there's no sound.

Have you ever had a different choice,

than to stop and look around.


Do you feel her when she is walking,

feel her body passing by.

Feel her lips when she starts talking,

and after all you don't know why.


Do you sometimes see her although she is not there,

you just smell her hair pure taste.

What you do is stare,

Don't let a second turn into waste.


Do you sometimes miss her so much,

you feel as if she was there.

Feel the tenderness of her touch,

while she is holding you with a virgin care.


Has there been anything more beautiful,

attracting the sight of yours.

Besides her smiling eyes colourful

looking straight at you for so many years.


Whatever more you would know to stess,

except for what was put down.

Take a step and express it,

to the girl you're loving.

08. 10. 2004
Dát tip
je to cool sak ty sa vyliecis

07. 10. 2004
Dát tip
to je cestina tak spatna? ja tohle moc nemusim. dilko jsem precetl ale nemuzu dat vetsi kritiku, kdyz nerozumim, promin

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