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Chcípla mi melounová kolie

Výběr: Kid_A
04. 04. 2005

ale co dělat, chce se mi spát...

Chcípla mi melounová kolie

aneb kde nic není, ani pes nežere



Led se zelím --

a bílé knedlíky spánku


chřtánem s oblohou z mandlí

do srdce

v hrudi vzducholodi.


I můj Chaplin

s rýsováčkem v prdeli


párátkovou holí

v zubu moudrosti 


a s poslední vydloubnutou


se dutina jeho



apaticky scvrkla

jak rozkrojený meloun

bez ochranné


05. 04. 2005
Dát tip
ne....todle mi játra neberó...

05. 04. 2005
Dát tip
ještě úprava - teď je to údernější...

jo, tohle je ještě horší...tak dobrou noc, ledová královno...

04. 04. 2005
Dát tip

prázdota? beznaděj? zbytečnost? bláboly? jen tak?

04. 04. 2005
Dát tip
1979 Shakedown 1979, cool kids never have the time On a live wire right up off the street You and I should meet Junebug skipping like a stone With the headlights pointed at the dawn We were sure we'd never see an end to it all And I don't even care to shake these zipper blues And we don't know Just where our bones will rest to dust I guess Forgotten and absorbed into the earth below Double cross the vacant and the bored They're not sure just what we have in store Morphine city slippin dues down to see That we don't even care as restless as we are We feel the pull in the land of the thousand guilts And poured cement, lamented and assured To the lights and towns below Faster than the speed of sound Faster than we thought we'd go, beneath the sound of hope Justine never knew the rules Hung down with the freaks and the ghouls No apologies ever need be made I know you better than you fake it To see that we don't care to shake these zipper blues And we don't know Just where our bones will rest to dust I guess Forgotten and absorbed into the earth below The street heats the urgency of sound As you can see there's no one around (The Smashing Pumpkins)

04. 04. 2005
Dát tip
pozn. HOLE čti houl (díra)

04. 04. 2005
Dát tip
Annie-Dog amphetamine annie-dog has her leash and a face her velvet spleen her shackle spine her dimond curse it comes with mine a vessel she for violent I confession arms a wake mine, mine you were always mine possessed by my taste and below the angel dog combs her hair and sings her psalms the bombs go off she doesn't notice it all goes wrong she sets things tragic she is venus she is mars she's electric and the struggle of upon my face we leave no trace but in her stomach mercury aged she holds the blood she carves the knives she digs the wives in our babies amphetamine annie-dog pulls her trash and her stories from place to place and bed to bed gives of herself and the magnet head another floor another ceiling counting stairs with double meanings is it wrong to be swallowed whole to disappear in her to give her the priceless peace of giving up control we tumble out into the streets and annie-dog she drags her leash pretty face ugly mouth bitter bred and so released and by the no and by the yes annie goes if you couldn't guess a simple man a sycophant her elephant with the laughing call she wants clean sheets and fresh flowers and dental shots and the hong kong glue amphetamine annie-dog has her leash and a face (The Smashing Pumpkins)


04. 04. 2005
Dát tip
tip I vynašla Stella nový druh veršů, každý čte je udiveně. Ale jako by doutnák hořel, člověku to náhle, zalévaje kytky, docvakne. Variace na CH. Morgensterna.

první mravenec: Jůůů, meloun já moc rád. druhý mravenec: Já taky. Jenže tenhle leží na území červeného mravence. třetí mravenec: No tak mu vyhlásíme válku, kluci. první mravenec: Jasně, chytíme ho živýho a pak ho zavřeme, až zčerná...a jestli ne, tak ho naložíme do lihu.

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