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Mooooooooooooooooood flamingo

22. 09. 2005

                                   Whenever Love goes without Farewell

                                        I cry like a snow angel

                                Any woman´s cry. You like it

                              Book without epic mercy is the don-don of golden bell

                                                The beat of my heart has to be sounded


                                   I look into my well of thousand cries; I see nothing

                                         Secrets of the rain are my suffering part

                                I´ve done hundred sins when there is only seven

                                                I wanna seize you heart

                                           And I really would like to go to heaven


                                   My life is not a romantic song

                                            But if you want I will die for your love

                               Entering the Eden and grabbing true confessions

                                     For me existence is very tough

                                          And I blame you of my own great possessions


                                   Life stories, hell, the God and little mouse

                      In this world you are mine; que sera, sera and I feel fine

                                       Being a Doll in a burning doll-house

                                We are the generation with the sign of Cain                           



                                   And the Drama queen says her  go o  d   b    y     e  


Hmm, je dost zvláštní... Nejvíc se mi líbí konec, nejen tedy ta poslední řádka :) Chyby - ty posoudit nemůžu, na to se necítím v angličtině dost zběhlá :) Překvapuje mě, že se v angličtině dá vyjádřit tolik věcí, které by v češtině tak dobře nezněly... No, líbí se mi to :) Jo a uprav si prosím jazyk díla :) Ta zadaná čeština to vážně asi nebude :)))

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