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The Leaves

12. 01. 2006

For man in England and for his girlfriend. Have a nice day.I have,.... A ja ja ja jaj. Ble


               The Leaves

Saturated sound of touches is laying all the country.

On ground ahead of me fall a white walnut.

Light breeze attend my steps,

I’m not scared, I´m not, today I’m not scared.


From tree beside gates of eternal is falling a red leave.

Neighbours son is feeding crows.

Autumn is mirrored in our faces.

Fleece in my head.


I´m looking the sun through my fingers.

I´m looking on you, on your smile.

Shiny balm on your lips.

You’re holding me and you’re seeing on me like a last time.


Your blue eyes, your lips.

My love today the wolves were singing you.

Arid flowers on the graves,

Silent smiles of milieu, maybe they know it.

They want to say good-bye to you while you perceive it.


My love today you’re dying and with you all the world.

My world, this you bring me.

All wood, this walk with you.

Your face absent me, sweet taste of your clauses.

I want only see you but I don’t want as once ever.


13. 02. 2006
Dát tip

13. 02. 2006
Dát tip

29. 01. 2006
Dát tip
toto som uz cital v slovencine. si dost dobry v angline. inak v piatok si bol v jamajskom bare a vcera som ta zabudol vytiahnut z vacku, takze si nebol na oslave narodenin. aspon ta nikto neoblial vinom

12. 01. 2006
Dát tip
Su tam mensie zmeny.

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