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Desperate times

06. 02. 2006

Gone are the days of good and evil.

The desire for revenge transcends all moral bounds.

And it is powerful enough to turn the benevolent into

machines of destruction.

For the warriors into whom we place our trust are

forced to a new kind of fight.

For a cause they may not understand.

Against an enemy they can’t predict.


Bare witness and grieve – the end of civility.

Because wars will be waged on the most brutal

of battlegrounds- inside minds to which the

unthinkable springs to life.


Ask not for whom the bell tolls, they toll for thee.

They toll for a man whose virtues have taken a backseat

to greed.

For a man whose lack of morality sinks endlessly

into the abyss.

For the men who put their own bodies inside a device

fashioned by sadists, built by rogues and designed

by the devil himself.


So bow your heads and prepare to moan.

The loss of honor.

The loss of sanity.

And the death of humanity.

And make no mistake – war will

never decide who is right.

Only who is left.


dik za tip...

...tak jsem si to přečetla (konečně) a moc se mi to líbilo, je to pravdivý a v češtině by to možná nebylo tak působivý, ale v angličtině je, obzvlášť ten konec ...war will never decide who is right. Only who is left. takže dávám tip :)

08. 02. 2006
Dát tip
loss of honor - its horror-good ! Bless God.

to si budu muset přečíst někdy jindy, taky že přečtu, ale dneska by můj mozek tolik anglickejch veršů nestrávil :)

06. 02. 2006
Dát tip
chápu tak polovinu slov :))) inu zas tak dobrej v "Ingliš lengvič" nejsem :)

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