Československá literární komunita

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05. 04. 2006
Rhythm, please… Come on man, try to find out where the hell starts Try to put down the rest of the world in small parts Come on man, let me show you how do people fly Try to get here to the present the blue from the sky Tell me a story about your life and death on the road Never stop the line leading you towards a lifeboat Tell me about the differences between light and dark Never stop trying to escape from the mouth of a shark Talk with no fear or shame to the poets of the quietness Hear to useless words from neon lights of the darkness Tell me how do they give their huge energy thru song Hear to me when there is something strangely wrong Say man, don’t you see enough to tell me where you are? You man, could you tell us where it is so away and far? Say man, is the way to the lightness so…so tough? You man, do you feel your thoughts bleeding rough? Rhythm stop, please… So now… do you know, where do you belong?
06. 04. 2006
Dát tip
no...ono to man tam není jako "muž", ale jako "člověk"

05. 04. 2006
Dát tip
rhytmintro je fajn, i ten konec, ale jinak mi to přijde plačtivě zjišťující, každopádně nejsem odborník, takže nechám mužům jejich hledání...:) čau

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