Československá literární komunita

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24. 04. 2006

toto je presne to, co sa mi stalo dnes vecer..

came like a storm
burnt a huge hole
into my soul

and put salt
since salt is good

and I was bleeding
as if for the last time

the red juice of my broken dreams
kissed by the white snake

and I screamed
that salt was good

I was afraid
and alone
in the white desert of empty promises
just go to hell
just go the hell away

and I prayed
I prayed to God
to help me
wipe up all the salt

even though salt is good

he heard

the rain came
soothing my burning lips
my blazing lips
and I drank

drank like for the first time
from the sea of forgiveness
it felt salty in my mouth

I knew that salty was good

I thought about how to cry
was trying

but the lake was on fire
and there was no way we could save any memories
but those
we just had sealed onto our souls

and there it was
I found the curtain
and my past revealed
in a simple moment of happines

it hit me

and clear

a raindrop

running down away

it just felt salty

1 názor

30. 05. 2006
Dát tip
can you specify that ?? :))))

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