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And you still think that everything will be all right

19. 02. 2007

I’m blackminded ghost

I know you supposed

That this will happend

I’m the second

I’m just the second


I’m man with red eyes

I know all your lies

That all will be fine


We were lovers for more than two years

There was lot of pain and lot of tears

He accused me for stealing heart of you

But I loved her, I love her, I’ll ever do


I’m body without soul

And in my brain is hole

That means that it happened

I’ve been the second

I’ll allways be the second


I’m man with dirty mind

I know I’m just wright

And you still think that everything will be all right


We were lovers for more than two years

There was lot of pain and lot of tears

He accused me for stealing heart of you

But I loved her, I love her, I’ll ever do


I’m blackminded ghost

I know you supposed

That this will happend

I’m the second

I’m just the second

I’ll allways be the second

4 názory

To je jedno. Stejně sem ten text trochu upravil a kámoš mi k tomu udělá hudbu. Pak až to bude hotový tak ti to můžu pustit zhudebněný, když bys chtěla.

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