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Inner voices

19. 11. 2008
voice1:but i don't wanna die!
voice2:you will. just wait a few seconds...
v1:why? life is so beautiful, colorful and...
v2:...and painful. yes! you must! you chose that. since you were born, till now you'r walking on this way. and now you reach the end.
v1:no, not now! i'm not ready! everytime is second chance waiting for us.
v2:no chance, my dear. not for you anymore.
v1:you'r so cruel!
v2:me? no no no. i didn't cut across your artery, but you did. and now, your blood, like a tears of crying angels, is droping on the floor.
v1:stop that! and save our life! for christ's sake! save us!!!
v2:i can't do that. i wan't do that.
v1:than, than i must die. i'm scared. is anything beyond?
v2:i don't know. probably nothing. at least nothing interesting. maybe darkness, maybe hell or heaven. or rebirth.
v1:i feel so cold and tired. maybe that's my destiny. maybe we must fight better next time. maybe...
v2:maybe we must go. so come one, we will go together hand in hand.
v1:i made first step long time ago. now i must finish this game. winners or loosers, thats not important. give me your hand, brother, and lead my steps.
---sound of fallen razor vibrates across silent bathroom --

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