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25. 02. 2010

Dear friends,

first of all welcome to my new profile.

I created it because I'd like improved my English. Of course, I know that the server is Czech, but I hope nothing to prevent me to have works published in English. And also I hope that there will be more users who love the English language. I will also be grateful for any correction of my English texts.

I wish you a creative passion. 

Best regards


18 názorů

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
No, myslím, že už to oslovení je špatně... nevím kolik z nás můžeš oslovovat jako přátele a jak to tu pozoruji, tak tu moc přátelství nenavážeš. I would like to improve my english as well, but not in this place. Try e-academy.

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
and it is a little bit ... ironic (am)

25. 02. 2010
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25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
:) ;)

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
to je marný...

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
Dear paopuch, I think that the server suits me as well as suits my needs and objectives. And, moreover, the server is visited by foreign users of the Internet in European countries or in America. Even some registered users of this site is now operating in the United States.

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
ja len aby si nebol sklamaný, ak sa ti nebude dariť ... pretože v mäsiarstve málokedy zeleninu kúpiš :)

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
Petrusha, I think that Diana, for example, has excellent English, maybe she can help me, if not you. And I think, after all, that many other users have the knowledge to excellence. And I hope that even my knowledge of this language are not too bad. This improvement, I thought that I want to brush up my English. Thank you.

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
tož.. díla v angličtině syp na anglické servery, né? Tady e-e.

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
veď hovorím, že búšiš na zlé vrátka, tu sa toho veľa ani nenaučíš čo sa nagliny týka, ani ti nikto nič nebude korigovať :) to mi ver, to je len dobrá rada, aby si nestrácal čas na zlom mieste

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
I think, the biggest problem is, that this is only some kind of invitation card. Lets start with yout works and we´ll see.

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
It´s not only about my English language, mainly it´s about my literary works in English and that´s the difference. Thanks for your comment.

25. 02. 2010
Dát tip
nojo, akorát toto neni server jazykový, ale literárny (teda tvári sa to tak), skôr by si si asi mal hľadať nejaké stránky určené k zlepšovaniu jazyka a korektúram jazykových šmodrchov ...

nic to mít ju

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