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Someone to miss

24. 10. 2012

I miss person...people... I mean

I want somebody to be with me


I want to feel the hug, to feel his lips

and without giving any tips

my body starts to heat

with every of my heart beat


I miss him very much

Why I can´t feel his touch?

He is so far away

That even the song can´t make me sway


But I am not returning soon

So how can I help the spoon

of my heart to be full again?


I am caught by surprise with someone to miss

It´s his fault, only his

For making my mind a piece of sh*t

For worrying, laughing at everything I came up with


Why all these feelings?

What have I done?


Will somebody help me?

No, I am all alone.

And you know why?

Find the answer on your own.

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