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Royal Wedding 2

21. 06. 2018

Oh this day this glorious day

Sky is clean like your silky underwear

My love my princess

Till the end I love you I do swear

Let’s forget our incest


This day oh this glorious day

Cake tastes like heaven in your mouth

My darling my dearest wife

For us things shall never go south

I jizz on you my kingdom’s life


What a day I must say a day in history

Your dress is plain like your mind

My only and my one

All the horses just went blind

Cherished by everyone


Oh this glorious day is first of many

Sun is the future warm as bath

You are now mine

Just its swans in their wrath

Silently judgments shine:


For all your sins there’s only death

Hell is no royal shrine.

1 názor

06. 11. 2020
Dát tip

Můj kanadský nakladatel mi na to řekl, že to ani není anglicky. Po delším odstupu s ním souhlasím.

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