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1710 chytrá ušvotnarodenija

27. 03. 2020

1710 chytrá ušvotnarodenija

25.3. 2020 5:23:41

keťzatvoryly fšetkémalékaviarne, ktorésomnafštevoval avelykévopchodnébarákynie, taksomsyjednéhodňa chytropovedal, žečojevelyké jevotvorené avyrazyldogaléryje plnýnádeje, žesytamdamkafe flagártu. galéryjasyce votvorenábola, nonikdesomalenesbadával lagárto. taksomsa dozorujúcejstarej avelycenesympatyckej unyformovanejbapky špyštolou, vobuchom, ľachkýmgulometom, granátom aslsnymplynom slušne amylovopýtal:


"dobrýdeňmadam, kdejetunáprosymvas lagárto?


takzaprvý - lagárto uštunádáfnonieje, jevofontáne, čobystemalyvedieť!!!

azadruhý - jezatvorené, čobyste tiešmalyvedieť!!!


amadam takátomúdra steušvotnarodenija, aleboašvot tejdoby, kedystetadydostaly takúto velycedvóležytú funkcyju?" 


1710 smart since birth

when they closed all the small cafes i visited and the big business halls didn't, so one day i thought cleverly that what's big is open and went to a gallery full of hopes of having a coffee in the lagarto. gallery was open, but nowhere i did not gather lagarto. so i was pollutingly and pleasantly saying to the supervising old and very unsympathetic uniformed grandmother with the gun, the swell, the light machine gun, the grenade and the tear gas:


"hello madam, where is this lagarto please?


first of all - lagarto is not long ago, there is in the fountain what you should know!!!

and secondly - it is closed, what you should also know!!!



and madam, have you been wise since birth, or since you were given such a very important role here?"

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