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1803 jevyčuraná!

30. 06. 2020

1803 jevyčuraná!

27.6.2020 5:45:06

fčérasom vemestepotkal sapčusvýsluní. potykalysme aposvalamadopabu, žebude večervopsluškovať eštesverčou. taksomtamyšjél azasasom dobreurobyl - votvedľajšjehostolýka somzačuljednuženu, akopovedávodruhejžene, žesatreťjarosvedla anabalylasynovéhomuža, takžetátoudržuje dobrefsťahy sobomadvomachlopama. vopčasprej eštektemu temuvopuštenému ajnavarý apryvezejedlo aškňomu dododomu. tunásom muselprydať eštejedno "do", abytolapšjesnelo. aholkatak robýpreto, žedyšpotrebuje pučiťpeňjaze, takvje, žefanfulýn, keťsadobrenažere, takpuči. taksomsaknimvotočil avopýtalsa:


"prosymvas achoďjéva tátovašaznáma pravydelnenatoaletu?


nojasne, žehej.


takjetoysté - jevyčuraná!"


1803 is pissing!

yesterday I met a sabča from the sun in the city. we started whistling and she invited me to the pub that she would be serving with the faith in the evening. so I went there and I did well again - from the side table I heard one woman say about another woman that the third divorced and packed a new man, so she maintains a good relationship with the two men. sometimes it is said that he also cooks for the abandoned one and brings food to his house. I had to add one more "do" to make it sound better. and the girl does so because when she needs to sprout money, she knows that a fanfuline, when she gets well, she sproutes. so I turned to them and asked:


"Please and does this acquaintance of yours go to the toilet regularly?


of course hey.


that's for sure - it's pissing!"

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