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My Angel

10. 04. 2000

Všem neangličtinářům se předem omlouvám, ale jinak to nešlo. Ti, co mě trochu znají, snad pochopí ... Dedicated 2 HOSE

The dreck in your veins Had closed your Eyes forever. And I keep whispering your Name over and over But there´s no-one to listen. Just one question: WHY ??? Ran through my head that day. Now I know your time was up But I didn´t get a chance To say good-bye And I can only pray... All that is left Is the silver ring With your name on it. But I can still feel the pain Like the coming spring In my heart it will remain. Sometimes I have this magic feeling And it seems to me There´s someone who guides me through. I want to believe and feel It´s you, you are my angel... Are you?
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