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After the battle

22. 08. 2004

This song was influenced & inspired by the battle at the castle Veveří called Hrad Veveří ubráníme. It was on 21st August. I am a pacist and hate all conflicts and wars among mankind. It is sad that there are so many wars on Earth in our contemporary age. Enjoy! Zákeš.


After the battle – 2004

Tear it down

Crush it down

Break it down

Push it down


This is the eye distorted by pain

This is the cap that’s hiding rain


We’re the people

Ain’t getting sober

Dying to believe it



After the battle

People fallen dead (chorus – repeat out)


This is the house that’s burning down

This is the rock that’s tumbling down



Getting women

War rebellion

Oh we’re the people


After the battle……..


This is the wheel directing us

This is the voice commanding us


Put down your head

Or you’ll be dead


Hush hush baby




After the battle….. etc.


This is the flame consuming us

This is the blame put upon us!!


After the battle …………. etc.

22. 08. 2004
Dát tip
to mi, prosím, odsorruj, ale pro mne jinak než česky nečitelný

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