The principles of English Metaphysical Poetry through the eyes of John Donne in The Good-Morrow

In 19th century it was Samuel Johnson, who, for the first time, coined the enigmatic term“metaphysical poetry”and acknowledged the works of John Donne and his contemporaries,who, more than by the label of metaphysical poetic school which was not used at the time, were linked by similar distinctive features and approaches. No sooner than in the 20th century was the genre deprived of its undeserved pejorative tinge by the help of T. S. Elliot, an essay of whom brought timelessness and glory of English Metaphysical poets back.

23. 07. 2012
Literární teorie

wordy sinners

how perishable and transient things seem to be
when the essence of the future employs our minds
let us shun the way whereon burst glass reflects indecision
and celebrate solemn fact for what she and I are

23. 07. 2012
Volné verše