Československá literární komunita
Tak jako generace autorů před vámi, publikujte svoji psanou tvorbu. Podělte se o svoje názory a sbírejte zpětnou vazbu na svoje díla. Inspirujte se a učte od nejlepších.
Přidejte sepick, take, wrap-up
my entire life could be wrapped in the dirty sunday times magazine and thrown out of the window
like bad meat I`m smelly and pale with greasy hair like a worn-out bitch
everybody avoids any contact with me because what if it was contagious
I`m being pathetic, I know
now that I think of it ...
not that much
even worse
I`m officialy down
the window is open
let fresh air come in
wind blows into my face
cold drops
prickling and sparkling
cutting deep and leaving wounds
that will never heal
I hear voices
nice and tempting
what the hack...
I`m standing on the edge
waiting to make the last step
I just sit down and enjoy the view
NOW I`m officially down