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Přidejte seFebruary, one of them
26. 02. 2005
Translated by the Author
in a part of me
rings beneath my eyes
like pools
but outside the window
they cut grass for the second time
I want that smell
to wave me into
Dearest sister, I can feel your February! Today the birds were singing nervously, expecting spring just like me but there is only the freezing air...and a cold sunny day...
I dry uo the pools, so that they wouldn´t freeze, so that they disappear...*
Heidi - I know, there should be much more musicality in theese words. And in Latvian - there truly is, but that's no excuse, of course ;)..... thanks for reading it.. :) and for the comment.
I dzieki, siostrzyczko - za przedWIOSNE :) .. przed/przed....