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kissing glass

20. 04. 2005

how does it feel to look in mirror with your eyes?
how does it taste to be so beautiful and confident?
to have all the hungry glances eating you?
what? you're flattered?
you're so full of shit too!
and i know you're lost and lonely
and i know you want to have more, i braid your dreams..
you know i wish for money and fame and true friends
and i know you wish you had somebody to love, to
i'll buy you a dog when we move together.

will we move together?
did you know that all the things that ever hurt you
always end in a bed..


oh yeah, and btw. please
don’t ever change,
don't get so tough and strong
keep playing your little games
cause that's why i chose you

20. 04. 2005
Dát tip
thank you very much...tak tohle bych chtela poslat svymu ex :-)

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