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The Broken Bell

22. 05. 2005



On my way I found a bell,

its heart is broken.

It´s way leaded to hell,

in my mind is madness spoken.


I listen to its empty voice,

the ringing of the broken bell had begun.

Where did I a bad choice,

way of madness will be soon done.


I´m loosing my common sense,

I´m loosing all I was.

Againts it is not defense,

in my mind full of madness is voice.


I´m listen to empty ringing,

ringing of the broken bell.

Full of doom is thit ringing,

is that really my fate?


Common sense will be soon gone,

have I any other choice?

What must be, will be done,

is saying my madness voice.


      Our fates were written many years ago,

      we´ve only got the way, so lets go.




vyrobeno 11-2004

23. 05. 2005
Dát tip
Je to série šílenství. Je o mém vlastním šílenství a o tom, že mu tentokrát nedokážu uniknout. Post Scriptum: je to moje první anglická básnička.

22. 05. 2005
Dát tip
pěkný...dává docela smysl..a v angličtině:-) but we´ve got choice:-)

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