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Embers of bridges

22. 05. 2005



I'm looking to the next day,

to recognize, what is waiting for me.

I recognized the madness way,

that doesn't look good with me.


This future I don't want to join,

lets return to the past

to find a right turning point,

to change what came to pass.


I'm turning back to my yesterdays

to find better tomorow.

There should be many other ways

that I can follow.


But what I see frighted me,

there is nothing more than embers,

embers of bridges glowing behind me,

closed are yesterdays chambers.


At me madness leer,

what will with me happen?

Maybe there is way out of here,

but on me this not depend.


      There is only one hope I'm going for,

      maybe only illusion and nothig more.




vyrobeno 12-2004

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