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Přidejte seThe Pink Hope II
Tyto verše jsou inspirovány aktuálními informacemi o skupině Pink Floyd a vznikly předěláním básničky The Pink Hope.
my hope to truth is coming,
it’s not „some sunny“ day
it’s end of empty hoping
we can see Pink Floyd play
I just told it to you
now you know that I was right
as you can read this news
about Gilmour, Waters, Mason, Wright
that two Floyd Titans
will together fight
to break into our hearts,
legend is now revived.
can you remember on my words
where I told, it will be?
can you hear the hurrey voice
that surrounds me?
the miracle is visiting us
who want to see, lets come on
only one thing can now surprise:
the retur of the crazy diamond.
what I wrote is now to truth going,
but how can we this miracle watching.
vyrobeno 06-2005