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Strašidelný dům

22. 06. 2005

REally short storry abou Haunted house.

Haunted House
Two people were driving in a car on small road far away from civilisation. Suddenly they heard strange sound from car engine and car stopped. They tried to repair the car, but they were unsucsesfull. Night was cold and rain was coming. They saw silhoutte of some castle on nearby hill. Rain and cold were annoying so they went there. When they stood before massive wooden door they heard some dog barking. The castle was old and bleak, but this didn´t scared them enough. They came in. When they entered hall, door closed and candles striked up. Chains clanked downstairs. Knights armors bordered walls. They saw two staircases on opposite side of hall. First they went downstairs. There was one main corridor and two other less important corridors. Main corridor saw more important so they choosed it. Weapons hang on the walls.The main corridor vented in a large room. This room was full of torturing tools. There were three ghosts laughing in centre of room. Our heroes run from that room bravely. They were so scared that they didn´t try to search upstairs. They lied down near the entrance doors and hoped that nothing else would happened. Shortly before they fell asleep soemeone taped on the door. This awoke them and they nestled together. Some stature was coming. When it came closer they saw through it. It was a ghost, probably the ghost of keeper. It opened door and said: „I am sorry but today we have another guests. Goodbye.“. They fell asleep afterwards. Nothing interesting happened to them untill the morning. They woke up and then went to the car. Car had no trouble and they came home. When they looked round, they didn´t see any castle on nearby hill.
25. 06. 2005
Dát tip
No, nerad to říkám, ale když už má tedy někdo tu odvahu psát v cizím jazyce, měl by být hodně dobrý. Tohle není ten případ. Je to dost otřesné. Několik překlepů, ale hlavně spousta gramatických chyb, občas špatně zvolená slova a děj je bohužel úplně nezajímavý. Radši příště česky. A pokud možno lépe. Já mám angličtinu celkem rád, i když třeba taková maďarština je zvučnější a čeština mnohem, mnohem výrazově bohatší jazyk. Ale tady by měla být literární díla, ne domácí úkoly. ;0)

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