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Autumn leaves

11. 09. 2005

Druhý "vážnější" pokus o tvorbu v anglickém jazyce. Tentokrát je to klasické blues. Prvním impulsem a inspirací byla skladba Josepha Kosmy Autumn leaves. Moje variace má jednoduchou melodii na motivy Gershwinova Summertime. Pokud jde o harmonii, tak do modulací teprve začínám pronikat. Mezi refrénem a třetí slokou by mělo být nějaké sólo (trubka, klavír, saxofon, kytara, možná housle). Text je reakcí na to, co jsme si nedávno s někým řekli... (kimenaide okó)

Intro: G  Fis  Hmi  Hmi7  E7  Ami  E   Ami   D  H7


     Emi               H+      Emi           H+          

1. Although it is fall, it's not cold at all,

                 Emi               H+      Emi         A7

    And the sky on the horizon is red.

           Dmi                 A7          Dmi               A7        

    The falling autumn leaves are dancing in the breeze,

              Dmi                      A7           Dmi     H7

    And it makes me feel so lonely and sad.

                     Emi                      H+        Emi                     H+      

    You don't know how much it hurts to hear you say the words,

               Emi                   H+           Emi

    And to know that after all you are leaving.

       C               H7        G                 E7

    I tell you, my dear, if you were just here,

             Ami                    E            Ami          D    H7 

    Well, that would be so beautiful evening.



2. It's midnight and it seems like down in New Orleans,

    The time stopped in a sound of a trumpet.

    I'm searching for a sign, that you still could be mine,

    But no matter how I try, I can't find it.

    You don't know how much it hurts to hear you say the words,

    But I've always known that life isn't fair.

    Oh me, oh my, it makes my heart cry,

    To know that after all you're not there.


         G                   F#               Hmi

Ref.: Every day without you is a sorrow,

          G                      F#                      Hmi

         there's no yesterday, there's no tomorrow,

         G                  F#          Hmi    Hmi7  E7

         Just here and now, I'm telling you, darlin':

            Ami                  E                        Ami               D    H7

         I love you as the autumn leaves are fallin'.


Solo: Emi   H+   Emi   H+   Emi   H+   Emi   A7   Dmi   A7   Dmi   A7   Dmi   A7   Dmi   H7


            Emi                  H+     Emi7                   A7

3. The deadly Cupid's dart, is still jabbed in my heart,

               Dmi                  A7              Dmi

    And it doesn't feel like it's getting better.

           B                     A7                    Dmi              G7

    No, it's still gettin? worse, it's like some kind of curse,

    Cmi               G7                Cmi    H7   D7

    If we are not meant to be together.


Ref.: Every day without you is a sorrow,

         There's no yesterday, there's no tomorrow,

         Just here and now, I'm telling you darlin'



Ref.: Every single night and day I'm prayin',

         I hope you'll understand what I am sayin',

         Don't let me down, I'm beggin' you, please,

          Ami                    F                E                     Ami+6

         Don't let me fall, don't let me fall like autumn leaves.

12. 09. 2005
Dát tip
To Podez_divka: Přesně tak, normální podzimní zamilovaná... Ten New Orleans nebyl plánovaný. On ten rým vznikl už někdy v červenci (a spojitost je čistě Neš Orleans = jazz)...

12. 09. 2005
Dát tip
"so beautiful an evening"--pěkně shakespearózní, dovol mi tedy nehlubokou variaci na refrén: Every and each night through every day For thine sympathies I hope to pray. Why let I down to plea and supplicate Beseeching leaves to hold and hang To clatch I as they grasp to their each The branch, the spirit, the heart, to bleach That which comes on their own and lets then free What autumn is to winter thou are to me.

12. 09. 2005
Dát tip
nenecham, neboj :o)t

12. 09. 2005
Dát tip
To waldekke: Díky za variaci, celkem sedí. Ale v té mojí verzi je trochu víc než jenom smutek, stesk a zoufalství... ale uznávám, že to není as zas tak patrné. Tak hledej ;o))) To lenty2: Díky. Oceňuji ;o)))

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