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Spatial sculpture > Plastic space

24. 09. 2005

Spatial sculpture > Plastic space


and here it comes again

our known

mental dumping


no wonder

when it makes me sick

of what I (don‘t) see around

and then

I cry over people’s dullness

but why?


they pass me by

FAR away

I glide with them

___ ____

better not to perceive…


I put on a peak.

a horse with blinkers.


they fly by me _ money afloat


don‘t even have a crown

and don‘t even have a minute

of the fucking time

to sit on the grass

to open my eyes

to look at them

and catch them with cogitations

/look into them

and catch the cogitation/

and in the space detect __ what they will never find         !


***people hate it

sorry, asi budu muset zařadit původní českou verzi!

24. 09. 2005
Dát tip
pár věcem nerozumět, namam u sebe slovní, ale konec pěknej plastový vjemy ok

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