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The memory of you

25. 09. 2005

Navždy budu vzpomínat...

Sorrow in heart and plea for mercy in your eyes.

What ever people around you were blind?

The feeling of treason, that you felt

and the darkness coextensive in your heart.

As a soldier, who is alone in comparison with enemy.

Suffering fear and unfair guilt.

Your home-folks give you to the deep six,

byt I loved you.


So why you have done it, angel of darkness?

The blood defluent from your wrist

Sharp thing and a moment of sorrow,

you were petite as glass rose

and cruel people powder you.


So long you were suffering even you should have a smile.

Soft floret thrown into dark water of world

In the hearth you prayed in aid,

but nobody wanted help you.

Red roses bloom in memory of you,

 the wind blew away your ashs.

I see you when I look towards the sky...

I miss you 


So why you have done it, angel of darkness?

The blood defluent from your wrist

Sharp thing and a moment of sorrow,

you were petite as glass rose

and cruel people powder you...

Pár překlepů, ale docela se mi líbí. Tvoje anglické texty se mi zdají lepší než tvoje básně :)

25. 09. 2005
Dát tip
no to je možné :))) a chyb je tam určitě plno se znám :)))) takže mám zůstat jen u těch textů jo ??? :)))

Ne, to neříkám, zkoušej dál i verše, to chce asi cvik... A snažit se nepsat ty "primitivní rýmy", ty to kazí, jinak by to nebylo špatné :)

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