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20. 02. 2006

Vsechny duležité informace najdete zde: http://www.blisty.cz/2005/11/9/art25694.html ....rozmyslete si jestli se chcete podivat na ty fotky a video... to upozorneni nelže.... ...uf... :-(

Tolik otázek
jak ozvěna
po nich jen ticho
tíseň zastavila čas
i život
zrušila zákon

to nikdy nebude dost daleko

tělo hoří bez plamene
tak bílé světlo nese smrt

Co zanechá to v očích?
Co v nich zříš?
Už si dostal odpověď?

20. 02. 2006
Dát tip
Názory čtenářů: 09.11.2005 Dragoein Zvláštní, běhá z toho mráz po zádech a to má....líbí, ač poněkud "drastické"? 09.11.2005 Pablo_honey You've seen it all and all you have seen You can always review on your own little screen The light and the dark, the big and the small Just keep in mind - you need no more at all You've seen what you were and know what you'll be You've seen it all - there is no more to see! 10.11.2005 Che_(ops) [Redaktor] [Výběr] Tommy gun You ain't happy less you got one Tommy gun Ain't gonna shoot the place up Just for fun Maybe he wants to die for the money Maybe he wants to kill for his country Whatever he wants, he's gonna get it! Tommy gun You better strip it down for a custom run Tommy gun Waiting in the airport 'till kingdom come An' we can watch you make it On the nine o'clock news Standing there in palestine lighting the fuse Whatever you want, you're gonna get it Tommy gun You'll be dead when your war is won Tommy gun But did you have to gun down everyone? I can see it's kill or be killed A nation of destiny has got to be fulfilled Whatever you want, you're gonna get it! Tommy gun You can be a hero in an age of none Tommy gun I'm cutting out your picture from page one I'm gonna get a jacket just like yours An' give my false support to your cause Whatever you want, you're gonna get it! Boats an' tanks and planes, it's your game Kings an' queens an' generals learn your name I see all the innocents, the human sacrifice And if death comes so cheap Then the same goes for life! 10.11.2005 G_B_Show [Redaktor] [Výběr] četl jsem, že se to tady někomu nahoře dokonce líbí... dobrej text (tommy), co to je? 11.11.2005 Xtruth ...............parchanti (dnes som stratil chut do jedla) 11.11.2005 Che_(ops) [Redaktor] [Výběr] To jsou The Clash (Give 'em Enough Rope)... 11.11.2005 Che_(ops) [Redaktor] [Výběr] 17.11.2005 assez uffff 22.11.2005 Korovjev zajimave. nemyslim si, ze by basen byla drsna, jak kdosi vyse psal. je takovy myticka...ale to tomu dodavaji prvky svetla a zare. receno slovy klasika: falludza byla svetlem odena.. 23.11.2005 Che_(ops) [Redaktor] [Výběr] konecne si toho nekdo vsimnul... diky 02.12.2005 Aymi [Redaktor] [Výběr] ... 09.01.2006 jaza tohle je ještě hodně otevřené....

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