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Bloody Valentine

15. 02. 2007
I've seen the stars dying
even the stones were crying
and asking God for forgiveness
Then comes a big flash
last breath, last slash
world was covered by the Darkness
Dogs were barking for the light
howling for the lastest fight
in the end of the Eternity
And then comes a huge thunder
everything became six feet under
even the pettiest entity
God had fallen from the sky
into my rotten apple pie
the ants ate him
And than has come the end
Ice to Fire, Water to Sand
Even the stars stopped to shine
was 14th February, Valentine

5 názorů

Wow děkuju, ten den se staly zvláštní věci :)

Je to hluboké je to temné je to apocalyptické...je to super...líbí moc... : )

existuje cesko-holandsky slovnik?

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