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I can not say true

11. 03. 2007

I’m sinking in another glass

I can not go throw invisible walls

I thought that yesterday was last

So why my memory calls                     you

I can not say true


I’m the biggest liar

Who was living in this space

I’m burning in my own fire

While I’m pretending cold face


I can not be your friend

Cause I need to be more

I’m prying for your love’s end

Cause I’m waiting for                          you

But I can not say true


I don’t need you to be here

So why are you coming to my dreams

I‘m smiling at you with big fear

Nothing is like it seems


Smile becomes pain

While you’re not watching

Sun is hiding in salty rain

And I’m searching                                for you

But I can not say true


Melody of your song

Is touching me like a blade

I was silent for so long

I know that now is too late


I wish I were a string of your guitar

To feel touch of your hands

Can you imagine who you are?

My starts, my tears, my smiles, my ends                      you

But I can not say true

1 názor

kdo to má louskat..:) ale *

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