Československá literární komunita
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Přidejte seČas zrození a smrti [27.11.1997]
25. 05. 2001
Time of Birth and time of Death
How different - the first starts breath
And the second ends. But do I feel
That Birth and Death is equal real.
The start and end of life delight
The first is morning, the second night
And now it's ten. But it sometimes seem
My clock is broken. I had a dream:
The Birth and Death
was just the same
I'd been born dying
You called my name
But - I was dead...
25. 05. 2001Konstantinidisová
25. 05. 2001Astalavista
25. 05. 2001
* pieseň, ktorá by mala smutnú melódiu
* That Birth and Death is equal real................................ dík, za odvahu
* That Birth and Death is equal real................................ dík, za odvahu