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09. 12. 2001

...Antonii, mé blízké vzdálené...nyní již výborné přítelkyni...




Hair like a sea

and the name Antonia,

it´s for me the nicest melodie.

Fingers like a grass

and heavenly eyes,

it´s for me more than a lot or drogs.


My girl in blue,

Tomorow I´ll miss you,

but now you´re only for me and I´m for you.

I´m yours and you´re mine.

We feel together fine,

we are flying on the hights

joined by the fire and the stars.


And I

want to fly

in the sky

blue like your eyes.


One day, one night,

than I had to stright

and abywhere inside

only your last sight

and your ardest kiss

and your heart-felt “please”

you stay from that time only in memories.


It´s so unbearable feeling

that I´m only your dreaming.

Could I bear it? Tell me how,

I´m the man of now.

Your love hurts me so,

that I want to go

only go, go away

and find my new way.


And I

want to fly

in the sky

blue like your eyes.


From the love – a prison,

that is the reason

why I needed time to season.

I had a dream,

but than it seemed

- our love was dirty, it wasn´t clean.

You gave me many questions,

so here are explanations:

I never come into your nation,

without future – our relation.

You´ll never lieve in my state,

so fallen is the gate,

the gate to you, to me,

my beloved Antonia.


And I

want to fly

in the sky

blue like your eyes.

10. 12. 2001
Dát tip
já jo, ale no moc se mi nelíbí..

09. 12. 2001
Dát tip
Já to moc neumím...

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