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No way out

08. 11. 2011


I know I should tell you how it feels

Standing in front of you

With all those secrets

My heart silently keeps


I know I should tell you how I feel

Standing next to you

With all the trembling

That makes you real


I know I should do something

Face the consequences

Of me and you, of us

I hate being unaware

Of what you think

But I’m scared of being hurt


I know I should ask you how it feels

Standing in front of me

With all those secrets

Your heart silently keeps


I know I should ask you how you feel

Standing next to me

With all the confusion

That makes me real


I know you should do something

Face the consequences

Of you and me, of us

You hate being unaware

Of what I think

But you’re scared of being hurt


I know we should do something

Face the truth

Face the fear

Face the pain

But we’re both scared of being hurt


There’s no way out

No way out


6 názorů

10. 11. 2011
Dát tip
Gymnazistka - :) jH - došlo mi to :)

08. 11. 2011
Dát tip
Evidentně angličtinu ovládáš...*

08. 11. 2011
Dát tip
teda na tri akordy sem chtel napsat..

08. 11. 2011
Dát tip
jH - jo, tak nějak :)

08. 11. 2011
Dát tip
hm ...

08. 11. 2011
Dát tip
bolavá, tak na dva tři takty, jakoby Cobainovská *

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