Československá literární komunita
Tak jako generace autorů před vámi, publikujte svoji psanou tvorbu. Podělte se o svoje názory a sbírejte zpětnou vazbu na svoje díla. Inspirujte se a učte od nejlepších.
Přidejte seGreen day
31. 07. 2013
Summer has gone to past,
here comes the rain again,
falling from the stars,
I need a girl, rly fast,
in my life, I need a women,
my heart is broken, full of scars.
I walk a lonely road,
the only one that I have ever known,
in the shadows like a rogue,
sneaking out of danger zone.
Check my vital sings,
no, I'm still alive
and I walk along.
Drunk by fancy spanish vines,
as you, there's noone alike,
what have I did that was wrong?