Československá literární komunita
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Přidejte se1715 selfý
1715 selfý
30.3. 2020 5:48:59
eštenešzačnem spysovať, čomaposlal kemonawacape, takabynezapadlo, spýšem, žebysa namiesto:
"jezdravá akorepa malonabudúcepovedať jezdravá akocesnak alebocybuľa."
aterasktejwacapačke - jardamaposlal sebafotostextom, naktorom jesosylnymyvrstvamypeny navobochsklách svojíchokuljarou aspýsalkňomu:
"prejprotizamlžovaní pomóže penanaholení, alenejaksamatonesdá..."
"musyš ktemumať rúšku, ynaktonefunguje!"
"notaksyjyskus taklehledat..."
"uznávam, tojeblbé"
"nabudúce škvór rúška, pakpena"
"apotemteprf selfý!"
1715 selfie
before i will start to write what friend sent to watsapp,
so that i don’t forget it, i think that instead of:
"is as healthy as beets next time to say is as healthy as garlic or onion."
and now to whatsapp - jarda sent me a photo with the text on which he is with thick layers of foam on both glasses of his spectacles and wrote to him:
"anti-fog will help shaving foam, but somehow it does not seem to me ..."
i tell him:
"you must have a veil on it, otherwise it doesn't work!"
and he:
"well, try to look for her that way ..."
and i:
"i admit it is stupid"
and he:
"next cloak drape, then foam"
and i:
"and sweat only selfie!"