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Přidejte se1716 rekort dúbrafka
1716 rekort dúbrafka
31.3. 2020 5:55:44
akosomušspýsal, žesaniekedypravydelne zúčastňujembehu "šprynt dúbrafka 2020", taksavňomzlapšujem. fprvomzápoleniju, fktoromsompodvakrát vydychávalynfarkt, somšťopkyšťopnul načyslycach 28:56,82. fdruhom ušbolprvýrekort 14:49,78, sčohyš, keťspráfnevydelýš alebovodečteš, vyplýva, žesomsazlepšyl. aftreťom 12:51,08. fčérasombolujardy nakafy adomácomkynovy askromnesom mupovedal lenmójtretí, pretožesamože najlapšýrekort avopýtalsomsa najeho, páčsomvedel, žesatieš týchtopretekárok zúčastňuje.
alehoneuvedem, pretožesadomnievam, žeaštakftipný zasabyťnemusym.
1716 doubravka record
as i wrote that sometimes i regularly participate in the course "šprynt doubravka 2020", so i'm getting better. in the first struggle, in which i was exhaling twice for a heart attack, i stopped the stopwatch at the numbers 28: 56.82. the second was already the first record of 14:49.78, which means that if you divide or subtract correctly, i have improved. and in the third 12:51,08. i was at the café and home cinema yesterday and i only modestly told him my third, because of course he had the best record and asked him, because i knew he was also involved in these races.
but i won't mention it because i think i don't have to be that funny again.